Photo of the Week Ian MacLellan Faith cannot be encompassed in a single idea or belief; each person has a different view and relationship with their faith It's book report time! Just grab your favorite photography-related book from your personal library and share it with the class. This is our most interactive photo challenge to date! The premise? Shoot a mystery object, but only part of it. Other JPGers will guess the object--what they think they see--later to be revealed by you. Woohoo! JPG and Photojojo have teamed up for some special offers for JPG members. Right now, we've got discounts on keyboard skins and some really great photo display tools from the Photojojo Store!. Issue 18 Themes: Last Week to Vote! These themes have closed for submissions, but there's still one week left to vote for the photos that will appear in JPG 18! We want to see your photographs that capture performers on stage. Whether music, dance, comedy, theater, poetry, or magic, show us the photographs that capture performers in their element. We're asking JPG members worldwide to share their views on democracy. Whether your feelings are positive, negative, or something more complicated, democracy is a guiding idea in the political field today. Don't worry--geometry doesn't have to mean math. It can mean minimalism, repetition, color; plants, architecture, even people. |